
NEW! Qing Chestnut tree seedling – 8-12″

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Qing Chestnut tree seedling – 8-12″.
Qing (pronounced “Ching”) is a named Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) variety, grown from seed from a named tree that was open pollinated by other trees, including hybrids.
Qing is a heavy producer, with large and extra large nuts. It bears nuts in fewer years. It has a late bud break, which can beat late frosts. Qing seedlings are frequently planted on commercial chestnut farms (converting corn/soy fields to chestnut acreages).
These seedlings were grown locally in NW MO and are adapted to the Midwest.

The nuts drop early to mid season (in Kansas that is September).
2 gallon equivalent pot size.
Note: You need at least two chestnut trees to ensure that they will cross pollinate and produce nuts.
Unless you pick them up local, they will shipped Bare root (too big to ship in a pot).

2 in stock


Qing Chestnut tree seedling. Medium size – 8-12″.
Qing (pronounced “Ching”) is a named Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) variety, grown from seed from a named tree that was open pollinated by other trees, including hybrids.
Qing is a heavy producer, with large and extra large nuts. It reportedly bears nuts in fewer years. It has a late bud break, which can beat late frosts. Qing seedlings are frequently planted on commercial chestnut farms (converting corn/soy fields to chestnut acreages).

The nuts drop early to mid season (in Kansas that is September).

These seedlings were grown locally in NW MO and are adapted to the Midwest.

Unless you pick them up local, they will be shipped to you Bare root (too big to ship in a pot).

Note: You need at least two chestnut trees to ensure that they will cross pollinate and produce nuts.

No sales to CA, OR, WA, MI, HI due to importation restrictions.